make a Difference

We believe in “Game Changers”. That is, we believe in persons and actions that change the outcome of an important endeavor - in this case, the education of “Todays Learners... Tomorrows Leaders”. With your donation, our Foundation can dramatically change the courses, strategies, character, and achievement of our Franklin County students.

Become a game changer

Learn more about our annual fundraising event and how to get on the list.

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Looking for a larger impact - our endowment fund is an investment that keeps giving.

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No gift is too small.
Your donation will directly impact and empower learners and teachers in Franklin County.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, we are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization. This means that donations to the Education Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

2023 recap

To invest in today's youth, tomorrow's leaders, and the future leaders of our community by providing funds and resources not ordinarily provided to the Franklin County School System that inspires students to develop their talents and enrich their educational experiences. ​

$33,000 given in teacher grants to educators in the Franklin County School System
New innovative tools added to STREAM van.
Funds and education initiatives spread out over 13 different schools.
High school students in shop class.

Ready to Invest in Tomorrow’s Leaders?

Start with a one time gift or a monthly contribution.

The FCEFE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to serving students & teachers in Franklin County.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, we are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization.
This means that donations to the Education Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Our commitment to transparency and accountability is reflected in our status as a 501(c)(3) organization.
We adhere to strict financial and governance standards to ensure that we fulfill our mission and serve our community effectively.


Mrs. Skylar McGee, Band & Music Teacher at South Middle School was able to use the money to go towards purchasing a new French horn and a new 3/4 size tuba for her students to play on. Prior to purchasing the French horn, the band did not have one that was playable. Because of this, the band had to borrow a French horn that was not in great condition from another school for her student to play the instrument.

Mrs. McGee

Band & Music

Hydroponics farm at the school
Kim Collins, an innovative STEM class teacher (9-12), began a hydroponics project with her students in the fall of 2022 with grants from Tennessee Valley Authority, Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN), Battelle (a non-profit company and the Franklin County Educational Foundation for Excellence. Currently, her STEM students are growing and selling lettuce and microgreens supplying Winchester’s Filo’s Tavern. They also supply their Teachers and staff with plenty of leafy greens. Mrs. Collins says a future goal includes increasing production so as to provide their cafeteria with all its greens.

Kim Collins

STEM Teacher

Mrs. Chelsea Hall, STEM Teacher at South Middle School was able to purchase a full aquaponics system (several fish, aquarium supplies, and several types of plants). This initiative will hopefully spark an interest in environmental/agricultural studies and encourage students to go into high school with some prior knowledge of how these systems work.

Mrs. Chelsea Hall

South Middle School

Our foundation was able to donate 2,900 glasses for all of the elementary students in our district to safely view the total eclipse on April 8th, 2024! Students across the district did lots of learning leading up to their spectacular viewing! We were so happy to help make this happen!

Mrs. Jamie Olsen, Art Teacher at Decherd Elementary was able to buy quality art supplies. Oil pastels, paint sticks, watercolor paints, printmaking supplies, markers, needle felting supplies, etc. With a budget of only $800 for 400 Title 1 students, the Ed Foundation has blessed her with a functioning children’s Art Studio. The purchases have helped her use professional supplies with her students.

Jamie Olsen



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